Featured Artist

Brittney Bender is a senior Media & Comm major with a love of the arts in almost any medium. She works in photography, acrylics, watercolors, makeup, and digital art. Owner of a side photography and art business, BrittNic Creations, since 2015. Looking to continue making artwork no matter where graduation takes her.

Artist Image

ANGLES: Hi Brittney! Could you tell us a bit about yourself?

BB: I am officially a senior part time here at Fisher in the Media and Communication department. I also am in two minors, Film/TV studies and Women and Gender studies. I love really almost any creative outlet and often work with those outside of class.


ANGLES: How long have you been creating art?

BB: For a long time in different ways. I initially was simply a photographer but then after some classes here, I dived into digital art as well. More recently, I have gotten back into drawing and painting. I missed these so much from when I took part in these mediums in middle school.


ANGLES: What are your biggest inspirations when creating art?

BB: Music can be a big part of my personal inspiration. But I’ve also found that horror and the macabre are also pieces that greatly influence me. In the end, I have to be happy when creating art. I hate the idea that tortured artists create the best art.


ANGLES: Describe your creative process for us.

BB: It can often be random and in spurts, but it may begin with a feeling of inspiration from an original image. I then dive in and depending on the medium, I may dedicate a whole evening to it if I’m able to.


ANGLES: Do you find that you portray similar themes or subject matters throughout your work?

BB: After looking at my art, I think I do. It depends on my choice of medium. For painting, I go into pop culture or horror themes a lot. But for digital art, I use a lot of female and non binary representation in colorful or emotionally gripping ways. And for photography in general, I see a constant choice of mine involves favoring the simplicity of black and white photography.


ANGLES: This is your second time as the featured artist for Angles. Has your art changed at all since the last time you were published?

BB: I’ve grown in my abilities in terms of painting and drawing. In terms of my digital art, I’ve done a lot more recently than before. I took part in a gallery at 540 West Main as a featured artist for August of 2019. Those pieces involved were primarily acrylic paintings. But I’ve been working on editing photos for people and doing some cool portrait work as well.


ANGLES: What’s next for you?

BB: Continue my art and grow my abilities as best as I can. Practicing helps me evolve in my talent. I hope to further invest growing my business, BrittNic Creations, and hope to see myself continue that for the future going forward.


ANGLES: How, if at all, do you plan on keeping art in your life post-grad?

BB: Constantly remind myself to take time and spend it with my art. It’s a great part of my self care as well, so I see it sticking in my life for the long run. I deeply love art and can’t see a future without it.